ETS of Meniere’s – A Treatment For Symptoms of Meniere’s

Diagnosis of Meniere's syndrome requires: two episodes of dizziness, both lasting at least 20 minutes and not more than 12 hours apart, but not more than 48 hours apart; a hearing test confirming a hearing loss. A complete diagnosis of this syndrome requires exclusion of any other known causes.

Meniere's syndrome is a group of interrelated symptoms that involve the inner ear (inner ear itself is called the cochlea). The inner ear consists of tiny hairs, which are arranged in series to produce an elastic barrier to the outer ear. When the hairs begin to relax and fall into the canal (the inner ear), vibrations are produced that cause pain in the head. This is the common symptom of Meniere's.

Dizziness is another symptom that occurs when you suddenly feel like you are falling. This can happen suddenly, or it can take several minutes. Vertigo can also occur with dizziness or dizziness.

Some people with Meniere's disease suffer from hearing loss. Hearing loss is usually not a serious problem and goes away after the first episode of dizziness.

Symptoms of damage to the inner ear include hearing loss and ringing in the ear. Other symptoms include dry eyes and persistent headaches. If a person notices continuous ringing from their ears, they should check it out immediately.

Treatment for damage to the inner ear includes the use of a humidifier or masker to reduce the ear's exposure to dry air. Steroids, anticonvulsants, and corticosteroids may be prescribed. Also used surgery to remove the middle ear. Steroids are often injected into the middle ear to treat symptoms such as hearing loss. During the procedure, a metal rod is inserted under the skin, causing temporary hearing loss as the rod is pushed upward into the inner ear.

These treatments can have side effects. People who underwent surgery to treat Meniere's disease reported problems with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness. Other drugs, such as aspirin, are used to relieve the symptoms of dizziness. Sometimes, when wearing a mask, a device is used to help protect the inner ear.


There is no known cure for damage to the inner ear. But there is a treatment called ETS (electronic sensors) that has been shown to improve cochlear function and restore hearing

ETS devices deliver radio frequency pulses to the inner ear. The radio frequency waves cause the cochlea to generate an electrical response. As a result, the cochlea is able to send signals to the brain again. The ETS treatment of Meniere's has shown some success.

ETS treatments are similar to a pacemaker, but instead of using electricity to provide energy to the body, ETS uses radio frequency pulses. ETS treatments work on the principle that energy from the environment acts on the body to restore health. Some of the inner ear damage caused by Meniere's can be corrected by this treatment. and the patient will experience symptoms of vertigo and hearing loss once again.

Many doctors recommend ETS treatments to patients who have mild Meniere's symptoms. Patients are given ETS devices on a regular basis until symptoms of vertigo and hearing loss subside. The device is worn in one ear and the pulses are received through the other.

Doctors are also giving ETS treatments to patients suffering from severe Meniere's who do not respond to ETS treatments. ETS treatments require that the patient wear a masker and use a masker for the first month of treatment and after that, the masker is removed. The ETS treatment of Meniere's is a new alternative to surgery. This treatment is less invasive than surgery and does not carry any risks of side effects.

ETS is not a cure for Meniere's and does not prevent it. For those who cannot tolerate the side effects of medications and surgery, it is a safe and effective treatment. ETS is only used to treat the symptoms of Meniere's.

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