What Causes Dandruff? How to Stop It

What causes dandruff? It's a problem that is most often associated with individuals that are in their twenties and those that are suffering from dry skin. The condition can also affect people that are over the age of thirty.


The main cause of the problem is that the sebaceous glands are stimulated, which leads to the accumulation of fat on the scalp. The oil contains bacteria and dead skin cells that damage the hair follicles. This condition can cause you both severe irritation and discomfort. Dandruff usually starts off with flakes, but can quickly become more severe and even lead to complete baldness. If you are a victim of this unpleasant condition, you will need to find out the causes of dandruff in order to find the right remedy.


When people have oily scalp, they tend to have more dandruff problems. This is because excess oil that gets clogged in the pores won't be able to come out of the pores so easily. This can create a moist and humid environment that will be difficult for your skin to get rid of properly.


One of the easiest ways to treat this condition is to apply anti-dandruff shampoo to your scalp. If you don't already have one, you should make sure you have one, because shampoo can get rid of the extra oils that could be causing the problem in the first place. You can use a shampoo that is designed to treat dandruff, or you can buy one that has been specifically formulated for your specific skin type.


Once you start using shampoo for this condition, you should continue to do so every day until it disappears completely. You should also shower once or twice a day with mild soap and not use harsh shampoos. Using too much soap can irritate and create an environment for bacteria that can cause scalp infections.



You will also want to apply a conditioner to your scalp at least twice a day. If you are suffering from dandruff then you may want to use a conditioner to cover all of the flakes in your hair. You should use a conditioner to avoid causing further damage to your skin. A conditioner works by preventing further build up of oils and dirt in your hair.


There are several remedies for the condition that you can use as well. You can try a topical treatment or you can choose to go with an all natural method


You can also try some all natural methods for treating dandruff instead. These include using aloe vera or saw palmetto. These will both help to moisturize the skin and provide additional protection from bacteria and oils. They can also help to reduce the amount of oil that is being produced and thus the scalp will not have to worry about being irritated.


When you are using natural products for dandruff, you should make sure that they contain all natural ingredients. It is very easy to get fake chemicals and harsh chemical agents used in making these products so you need to make sure that you are using organic products when you are trying to use them. The last thing that you want is for you to suffer from this problem just because you chose to use a synthetic product over an organic product. In most cases you can still purchase all natural products that will work on your condition.


If you are interested in using any type of dandruff shampoo then you should also consider using some lotion on your scalp as well. A good way to do this is to apply a thick coat of it to your hair after you use the shampoo and then you can then rinse it off after a few hours.


Make sure that you keep in mind that not only are you getting rid of the flakes but you also have to make sure that you are protecting your scalp from future build up of oil and dirt. If you don't do this then the condition will just become worse each time you wash it.


Remember that you have to keep treating the condition as long as necessary until it goes away. If you don't treat it effectively, it will always be there so it is important that you are prepared for this.

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