How To Save Money When Shopping on Blogshops

Internet shopping is the way to go nowadays, especially for persons who have hectic schedules and can’t find the time to run around different stores. There are many online ecommerce sites which are providing ways for you to save while shopping at your convenience from the comfort of your home or office. This article has some useful information if you are looking for some tips on how to save money when shopping on Blogshops.

You can buy just about anything on the Internet, your groceries, clothes, home products, medications, vacation packages, mobiles, computers/laptops, and more. Aside from the convenience of shopping from home, you should also take advantage of the ecommerce websites when you want to find better deals. These are available through things like special deals, regular sales, cash-back offers, and coupons.

How to Save Money When Shopping on Blogshops

You need plan ahead when you want to shop and save money. Decide on the items that you want to buy a few days before and then check online for the best suppliers and deals. After that, you can do some price comparisons on the different ecommerce sites.

The next tip is to use the promotional codes and coupons. These offer a great way for you to shop online and save tons of money. Different coupon sites offer coupons on nearly every item. The merchants’ websites will have great discounts and offers that you can take advantage of. If you sign-up for special offers and newsletters or you are a regular shopper, the sites will start to send you discount coupons automatically. The coupon codes may appear to be just for you, but they can actually be used by others on the website.

The Blogshops have cash back offers that will allow you to get rebate for any purchases that you make on the websites. You should always look for the rebates which are provided by the retailers to save big.

You also need to look out for clearance bargains and seasonal sales. The changes in the season make it easier for online merchants to offer sale and clearance deals. You can save a great deal if you make use of these sales and clearances.

Before adding the items to your shopping cart, you should take a look at the customer and product reviews to see if other consumers are satisfied with their purchases. In addition to that, you can get great information about products, website merchants and more from the testimonials.

These are just a few of the tips that will help you to enjoy money saving deals on the different Blogshops. Once you take the time to do comparisons and check the reviews, you will be able to find items online for much lower prices.

How To Choose The Perfect Dress For You?

It is every girl’s dream to be dazzling in a beautiful dress that is a perfect match for her. Being in such a dress gives you bliss and confidence as it flaunts the personality and taste your inner self. However, picking a perfect dress is difficult. Fine dresses are everywhere but many of them may not look good on you nor do most of them match your personality. The in vogue dresses in magazine may be too bold for you while the everyday dress is too dull. Picking the perfect dress can be a challenge.

Your personality and mood

Your ideal dress should match both your personality and mood. Your personality would affect the type and style of dress that is best for you while your mood will likely influence the color of the dress. Hence we recommend that you get multiple colours of the same type of dress. Below are some generalisations regarding certain types of dresses and personality.

– Strapless dress: You are likely to be confident if your physical appearance especially your figure and is willing to share it with others.

– Korean dress: Youthful and vibrant are possible descriptions of your personality. You probably feel young within and like to be in trend.

– Loose/oversized dress: Bold and unique. You are not afraid to be different and is comfortable to stand out of the crowd.

– Little black dress: Although conservative, you would still want to be perceived as classy and pretty.

Here are some colors of dress you should get to match your changing moods.

– Red: stimulating and gives energy, increases self confidence but might trigger antagonism in jealous women

– Yellow: rejuvenating and balances mind, often brings positive emotions

– Orange: conveys boldness and distinction. It is also a colour associated with love

– Green: relaxing and comfortable for the eyes

– Blue: calming and welcoming. Promotes peace

Your body type

A very practical consideration to make would be if your body type matches your ideal dress. An average dress that fits on you perfectly may be more appealing than a premium dress that looks weird on you. In general, there are 6 types of body types and for each body type there is a type of dress that is ideal for it. Many of them can be found in blogshops in Singapore.

1. Tall/manly figure — Maxi dress

A maxi dress is a long dress that is often longer than ankle length. For women who are tall or have a manly frame, the maxi dress can increase feminity by adding some curves to your body. Petite women might want to avoid these kinds of dresses.

2. Pear-shaped body — Wrap dress

A wrap dress is a v-neck dress that covers the body. For women with a pear-shaped body (thinner waist), the wrap dress brings out the thin waist and improves the proportion of the body as the v-neck feature also diverts some attention from your waist to your bust.

3. Petite woman — Mini dress

Mini dresses are all short and close-fitting. For women with small and dainty frame, the mini dress is perfect as it brings attention to your legs, making your proportions look more ideal. Paired with high heels, the mini dress can create the illusion of greater height in petite woman.

4. Shirt dress — Hourglass figures

Women who are satisfied with their figure can opt to get a short drsss as it is humble yet classy and looks adequate without any need for accessories. Women with a less feminine figure should avoid this type of dress as it would make them look even more manly.

5. Good for all — A-line dress

If you are not sure of your body type or are looking for a safe choice, the A-line dress should be on your list. The a-line dress is narrow at the waist and gradually widens towards the hem, giving the illusion of a thiner waist.

6. Peplum dress- Broad shoulders

A peplum dress is characterised by an extension/ruffle that extends outwards at the waistline. This feature offsets your broad shoulders which is often perceived as a manly feature.

Online Shopping Tips for Women

Looking to grab some fantastic deals online? Perhaps from a top blogshop or a famous ecommerce site? Well; let me run you through a few online shopping tips for women (although there is no reason as to why they can’t apply to men too!

Shop Around: This makes sense when you are trying to score deals online. Surprisingly there are actually very few people out there who are willing to shop around for the products that they want. Most people are more than happy to head to the most popular blogshop online for their niche and buy the product that catches their eye. This is not going to work. It really is not. Remember; popular websites are popular for a reason. They market like crazy. Marketing need to be paid for somewhere and it will be added to the price of the products that you are purchasing. This is not good. Shop around at a few of the smaller sites and I am sure you will be able to save vast sums of cash on your purchase.

If you are buying clothes online then I suggest you shop ‘out of season’. Most clothes ‘in season’ have an absolutely huge mark-up on them. They are going to be expensive. As the end of the fashion season rolls around you will find that these products get deep discounts (sometimes as high as 90%). Obviously the clothes are still going to look fantastic, but you will be saving money. Honestly; there are very few people out there who actually need to buy clothes ‘in season’.

Sign up to the Facebook or Twitter account for any company that you should with regularly. It is likely that they will offer a number of deals to their customers from time to time. If you do not follow them through social media then you are going to be missing out on some of the best deals.

It is a shame that there are many people out there who are reluctant to sign up to mailing lists. They feel as though they are going to be dealing with nothing but spam. This is not the case…if you sign up to a reputable company at least. In fact; signing up to a mailing list may net you some of the biggest discounts online with very little hassle involved. Companies know that their mailing list subscribers are likely to buy something from them. This means that they will entice them with fantastic voucher codes and the like from time to time. This could lead to huge savings on the products that you may have purchased anyway.

Search online for discount codes! Almost all online blogshops will have a discount code system in place. There are plenty of sites out there that will share codes with you. This means that you will be able to save a considerable amount of cash for nothing more than a few minutes of work. That sounds great, doesn’t it?

Most Popular Items Sold On Blogshops in Singapore

Trending items on Blogshops in 2014

Products sold on blogshops nowadays are limitless as owners are constantly seeking new products to add into their catalogue. However, the most popular items remain the same. Below are some of the best-sellers that are common across all online blogshops in Singapore

1. Dresses

Almost all blogshops have dresses as one of their top-selling products. They are a hot favourite among all ages and can come in different styles and colours.

The most popular dresses are single coloured, simple yet stylish. Although many of the dresses are not commonly seen in every day lives, they are perfect for special occassions such as prom nights or parties.

Dresses come in many styles and variations. There are korean-style dress, european style dress, floral dress, strapless dress, etc. They all take a spot in the most popular items sold on blogshops in Singapore.

2. Tops

The most popular tops are observed to be bold in colours and patterns. Often loose and slightly oversized. The common materials include cotton, chiffon, lace. Crop tops are also becoming increasingly popular as it appears striking and can easily capture attention.

Teens and youths will usually go for korean-style tops that are generously decorated with patterns such as flowers, abstact shapes and drawings. T-shirts remain to be a safe choice while new designs that are bolder in the use of colours and words are taking rising to the top of the best-selling list.

3. Bags

All women love bags. Bags used to cost a lot and branded bags were the “in thing”. However, prices of bags have fallen drastically allowing blogshop owners to import and sell them.

Bags that are smaller are more popular among youths and fabric bags with cute designs have replaced posh leather bags in many blogshops. As shop owners strive to differentiate their products, designs are slowly deviating from the mainstream versions.

School bags have also become a favourite as a significant portion of blogshoppers are students.

4. Accessories

Accessories can include many items such as wallets, necklaces, wristbands, belts, earings. While many may avoid purchasing accessories due to higher shipping cost compared to the product price, larger and more expensive accessories still remain a popular choice.

Although they may not be worn regularly, having a few pieces of accessory can spice up an outfit during special occassions.

5. Special items

Only till recently, blogshops are limited to fashion products that can be worn (clothes, shoes, etc.). These days, items such as polaroid cameras, phone cases, perfumes, fish eye lenses, custom nametags, etc. are slowly gaining weight in the blogshop industry. If you want to learn how to search for blogshops selling specific products, you can read our guide.

The History and Origin of Blogshops

While the person who coined the term “Blogshop” remains unknown, blogshops were believed to have started in 2006 and has since become a significant part of Singapore’s online landscape with many blogshops growing into large ecommerce sites.

Blogshops? What’s that?

What are blogshops? If you are seeing this word for the first time, its either you are new to Singapore or you are very young. Blogshops refer to blogs hosted on a blogging platform but functions like a mini ecommerce site. Blogshops are very popular in Singapore, especially among younger women. There is no exact definition of how a blog can be a blogshop but generally, most sites hosted on blogging platforms like wordpress, livejournal, blogspot and display products for sale can be considered a blogshop.

Origin of blogshops

The blogshop trend was said to have been started by young female adults who are running retail shops or are involved in the fashion industry. Back in 2006, blogging was the latest trend and the number of blogs in Singapore started to explode. It was at this time that those shop owners began to make use of blogs as a platform to display their products.

Realising that they can save on rental fees and gain more exposure to an online community of young shoppers who are willing to spend money, many retail shop owners have switched to blogshops.

In addition, blogshops are easy to set up, unlike ecommerce sites. There are many free platforms for blogging that can be set up in minutes.

The rise of blogshopping

2009-2010 has seen a surge in the number of new blogshops being set up. People from all walks of life began setting up their own blogshops instead of just those in the fashion industry. Most blogshops available today are still predominantly owned by youths who are slightly more adept at technology,

Many who set up blogshops are looking to sell their second hand clothes, accessories and bags at a low price. In the early days, when competition was not that stiff, making a comfortable income with blogshops takes minimal effort. However, as more and more people flock into the market, the smarter blogshop owners began to expand the variety of products and seek to differentiate their products.

Today, “blogshops” refer not only to blogs selling women clothes but encompass almost everything that can be sold online. From flowers to hats to music albums.

The major blogshops

Although a huge number of blogshops have been created since its origin, the most successful blogshops in Singapore remains to be those that have a history of quality products and service that their customer values.

Blogshops are indeed a phenomenon unique to Singapore. If are a fan of blogshopping, our products will not